Demon Fall Wiki
Okuyia Village

Okuyia Village is the largest village in the game, supporting 2 food locations, a Merchant where you sell Trinkets, and is one of the locations for Black Merchant to spawn. It is surrounded by the Okuyia Plains, and leads to the Sakura Passage.

Notable Locations[]

Glattony Tavern - Can purchase Bread, Meat, and "information" here.

Okuyia Merchant - You can sell your Trinkets at this location.

Okuyia Inn - You can set your spawn location at this town by speaking to the innkeeper.

Okuyia Soup Store - Can purchase Soup here.

Notable NPCs[]

Esnor - Owns the Glattony Tavern.

Slayer NPCs - Spawns both inside and around the village.

Grimm - Teaches the Wind Breathing technique.

Black Merchant - Can spawn in multiple locations around the village, sells many valuable goods.

Soup Boy - Owns the Okuyia Soup Store.
