Demon Fall Wiki


Breathing level is a feature exclusive to Slayers and Hybrids. It indicates the charging and decaying speed of your breath bar. The higher your breathing level is, the faster and slower your breath bar's charging and decaying speed will be. Once you have reached the max level, you will enter a state called Total Concentration Breathing Constant, where your breath bar will no longer decay by itself and charge up significantly faster.

Training Methods[]

Currently, It can be leveled up by using the Clay Gourds or the Boulder.

However, it is recommended to use the Boulder as it costs significantly cheaper, trains much faster than using the Clay Gourds, and easier to access.


  • Useful for using breathing styles' moves.
  • Can easily pull off combos without frequently charging.
  • Boulder gives XP


  • Requires a long time to grind (Gourd).
  • Depending on training methods, it may be costly to train.
  • Time consuming


  • Spam the boulder instead of keeping it to max it out in only 3 minutes tops.
